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Former chief News12 meteorologist Bill Korbel compared Isaias to Hurricane Irene in 2011. "We've seen things like this before. The difference with this storm is it's going to be moving very, very quickly."

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The governor signed a law targeting real estate discrimination by allowing the state to suspend or revoke agents' licenses, citing a Newsday special report — and its "deeply troubling findings."
MORE ON THIS TOPIC LI Divided: Read the investigation and watch the documentary -
Majority Republicans on the county Legislature want Curran officials to provide documents related to plans to attack Nassau's ballooning budget deficit.
"Sharks are always there, whether you see them or don't see them," a researcher said.
The Nassau County Legislature voted to grant permanent easements on five parcels of county land, a necessary step toward remediation of the Bethpage plume.
Consumer confidence has impacted applications for new residential systems, but some companies are finding respite in commercial, municipal sectors.
New York City's Open Restaurants initiative helped save more than 9,000 restaurants and 80,000 jobs, Mayor Bill de Blasio said as he announced the outdoor dining program will return next year.
Lawyers for Manhattan DA cite 'protracted criminal conduct' at Trump Organization
Prosecutors said President Trump's arguments that the subpoena was too broad stemmed from "the false premise" that the probe was limited to so-called "hush-money" payments.
The Rangers could be eliminated from the qualifying series after Tuesday night's Game 3.
Sunrise Promenade in Massapequa is busy preparing vacant spaces to receive The Paper Store, a Whole Foods and other retailers.
防攀爬装置:2 天前 · 新国标当中为什么要加装防攀爬装置?谁能给一个确切的回答. —— 按照技监局的要求改造 为防止人员跌落,在自动扶梯与自动人行道的外盖板上应当装设防爬装置.如果存在人员跌落的风险,应采取适当措施阻止人员爬上扶手装置外侧.没有攀爬可能就不要设置,如靠墙或者已经设置阻止进入的可能(在 ...

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From studying in "pods" of 20 to 25 to curriculum changes that will include students assisting in COVID-19 research, medical schools are making key adjustments as tomorrow's doctors study a pandemic "happening in real time." Read more
The Three Village district's plan calls for complete in-person instruction. The Smithtown district plans to implement a hybrid model — a mix of remote and in-person instruction.
python 爬虫 使用伋理 爬取_LancerWu的博客-CSDN博客:2021-5-2 · 之前有需要翻墙爬取内容,发现需要使用伋理,不能简单的在requests里加个参数就行了,现在把脚本改成通用模板,有需要的可伍按照自己的需求改一下哈。import urllib.request as requestimport requestsimport json@author:Lancer Wu@email:wxs231
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Podcast: Life Under Coronavirus
A return to schools this fall
In-class instruction should be allowed where it's possible.
Checking in on nursing homes
The Point is Newsday's daily opinion newsletter.
Big wind win for New York
Offshore plan will fight climate change.
Testing & tracing
Shoring up both will help contain the spread of the coronavirus.
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Neither hurricanes nor pandemics can dash the sand-in-your-shoes appeal of the long-running snack bar perched on the Great South Bay. Read more
Here's a chore or tip for each day so you get the most from your garden.
Story hours have resumed, but you'll need to bring a blanket.
The Hamptons are back with some fresh ways to have (socially distant) fun this season.
美墨边境“特朗普墙”160公里建成,百亿巨制的墙敌不过5美元 ...:今天 · 来自:建道筑格ArchiDogs(ID:ArchiDogs_AD)本文已获得授权去年年初,特朗普一再重申需57亿美元建造美墨边境「实体屏障」其实美国人民早就开始为建墙集资目标资金为$31,000,000目前已经筹集$25,488,500https://www.
"Stay local" has become the mantra of risk-averse Long Islanders this season during the pandemic.
It's an active summer pastime with built-in social distancing.
Several facilities are reopening for swimming this weekend, although most have residency requirements.
Nation / World
【中文字幕】如何爬墙(Warrior Fitness)_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ ...:2021-8-2 · 爬墙 翻墙教程 街头健身 Howcast Warrior Fitness 战士健身 评论 首都机场不好看 发消息 You jump , I jump. 关注 3.2万 视频选集 1/2 相关推荐 07:28 【p站】别再问我怎么上p站了 ...
The U.S. National Hurricane Center warned oceanside home dwellers to brace for storm surge up to 5 feet and up to 8 inches of rain in spots, as Isaias moves up the coast.
Afghan forces said they retook a prison in the country's east on Monday afternoon, following an hours-long battle a day after the facility was targeted by the Islamic State group in an attack that killed 29 people. The prison is believed to be holding hundreds of IS members.
As in past crises, Newsday Charities is ready to help Long Islanders in need now. You can help by supporting the Newsday Charities Long Island COVID-19 Relief Fund.
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